ste buce chi sono

My name is Stefano and I’m 35 years old.

I am a lawyer and university researcher and I have been dealing with civil rights, the environment, gender equality and legality for a long time.

I am applying as a city councilor on the Mayor Sala  Civic List.


I took my first steps in the political field in high school, becoming a representative of the students in the institute and at the provincial council.

I graduated in administrative law with a thesis on the Bolkestein directive.

I then obtained my PhD at Bicocca University and still today I collaborate with the department of administrative law of the Università Statale di Milano.

I have several publications in legal journals to my credit.

In the law firm where I work today, I mainly deal with renewable energy and the environment and I have also learned to know European legislation thoroughly.

It is possible to view my Curriculum (CV).


I have loved theater since I was a child.

In Milan I was able to give free rein to this passion: after attending the CTA, I came into contact with various theatrical contexts of the city.

Since 2015, thanks to the meeting with Franco Rina, I have been collaborating with the international short film festival Cinemadamare, in which I have acted in several shorts.


I believe in freedom, both in the economic sphere and in that of civil rights.

I am a pro-Atlanticist and pro-European, I believe in merit and competition but also in the need not to leave behind the most fragile, I believe that the environment will be the main issue of the near future.

I am a feminist (but really, not because “it is trendy to say it”) and I have always enthusiastically supported the battles over civil rights and the initiatives of the LGBT + community.

If you want to know why I am applying, read here.

In the past I was part of the Italian Radical Party and of the secretariat of the Milanese Radical Association Enzo Tortora, dealing with justice, economic issues and rights. I participated in the establishment of the liberal area of the PDL, then leaving the movement due to conflicts with the political line.

In 2016, to support the constitutional referendum, I joined the “Avvocati per il si” committee and I also produced a short film to support the referendum campaign.

I was one of the founders of the “ItaliaStatoDiDiritto” association and I am part of numerous associations, including FEI (Forum for Economics and Innovation), an incubator of public policies.


I love to travel and I have always had a passion for writing: I have collaborated with several online newspapers, writing about domestic and foreign politics.

I often found myself on the streets manifesting in support of the battles on women’s empowerment promoted by the “Non Una Di Meno” network and those on free sexual orientation organized by “Milano Pride”. Since some months I have been running a small format on Clubhouse on the subject of Sex Positivity.


If you have any proposals, questions or want to help and support me in my campaign, you can contact me at any time.


+ 393515949194


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